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Inclusive Education in South Africa


In honour of Youth Day and Learning Disability Week this June, we invite you to share your thoughts and ideas on Inclusive education in South Africa.

The concept of inclusive education is to allow individuals of all abilities access to an education that is catered to their needs, including people with disabilities. The idea of an inclusive education system is founded from the rights mentioned in the Constitution of South Africa that is, everyone has the right to a basic education. The White Paper on Education and Training in South Africa was released in 2001 and provided a framework for a system of inclusive education. The primary aspect of the policy aimed to highlight that all individuals are capable of learning when they are given the support that they require. Furthermore, barriers to learning are the result of a systems failure to accommodate a child’s specific learning needs.

While South Africa has policies in place that aim to be inclusive and supportive of various learning styles, only 30% of learners who start grade R complete matric. A study done in 2019 estimated that one third of 8.7 million adults over 20 years of age may be functionally illiterate. These statistics indicate that the education system is struggling to meet the needs of its learners, be it through mainstream or special education schools. For people with disabilities, this is gap is amplified and some population groups, like children with severe to profound disabilities, still struggle to access basic education or much needed rehabilitation services, while others like blind students struggle to access learning materials in Braille.

There are many potential factors that may be contributing to the challenges in the system. Some of these may be lack of education and training on the needs of individuals who are differently abled, lack of appropriate resources, lack of access to appropriate school placements as well as a poor multidisciplinary approach in providing support.

In the 20 years since the release of the White Paper there have also been strides made in the effort to ensure a more inclusive education system. This includes changes made in teacher training in order to highlight principles of inclusion, support for inclusive education at a national level as well as the discovery of solutions to inclusive education that are relevant to the unique South African context. However there remain many gaps that must be addressed through multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration between families of people with disabilities, professionals and others who seek to support them.


Twitter Chat Format and Questions:

20:00: 5 Minute Intro - Introduce who you are and what you do.

These questions will be posted at 10 minute intervals and you will retweet them with your answers , starting with the appropriate code (T1,T2, T3) and ending with the hashtag #RehabForAllSA

T1: What are some of the challenges and barriers to inclusive education for people with disabilities?

T2 :How do you think the government can better support the implementation of inclusive education at all levels?

T3: How can we create stronger systems to support inclusive education for people with disabilities?

T4: How might technology be used to advance inclusive education and support for children with disabilities?

T5: What are some good examples of innovative approaches to inclusive education? CT: Any other closing thoughts you would like to add?

It's really important to use the hashtag #RehabForAllSA on every tweet to be found. You may answer each question as many times as you like.


We are compiling a list of experts and advocates who will be joining us for the Twitter Chat here. If you are attending and would like to be listed as a person with high interest in the subject, please do let us know by emailing us at or contacting us on Twitter.

The Lefika Foundation - @TheLefikaFoundation I am passionate about making Africa more inclusive through innovation. I feel Africa and South Africa has a lot to offer and these talents are not always showcased. My playing field is in the education space by diversifying curriculum, teaching & learning with an Afrocentric design thinking element. I am passionate about changing the education system whether it be at ECD or Higher education & corporate levels. I am driven to see a society which has justice through equity, diversity and inclusion for all.

Chelsea Williamson - @Chelsea12_12

Inclusion and Accessibility facilitator at iSchoolAfrica. I believe Accessibility and inclusion is for everyone. Yes, even you. I am passionate about opening mindsets to the realities of accessibility and how even though it is life changing for some, it can be equally as impactful for #everyone. I had to overcome my own personal barriers, and as a result has become dedicated to breaking barriers for all communities by creating awareness shedding light on possible solutions to accessibility and inclusion. Natalie Johnson - @AfricanDream01 Natalie works for the Western Cape Network on Disability which is an NPO established in Cape Town in 1997. They address gaps in service delivery for persons with disabilities promote rights and opportunities and share information amongst organisations in the disability sector, with over 80 organisations in their membership base. Emile Gouws- @Emile_Gouws I was diagnosed with ASD at the age from the age of three and a half years. I am currently specialist Educator, NEC member of autism South Africa, Executive Committee member of the Commonwealth Disabled Peoples Forum, autism self-advocate and Senior Advisor of ICDL. My self advocacy is based on Article 24-Inclusive Education of the UNCRPD and article 25- Accessible Health Care. I am currently a final year PhD student where I will share my experiences as a student on the Autism Spectrum at university with the aim to make university facilities more inclusive. My Main aim is to become an autism specialist and a key figure in Higher political circles to create an accessible and inclusive society. Form Development Consulting- @FormDConsulting Form Development Consulting is a social innovation consultancy that supports Social Impact Organizations , their funders and their supporters to meet their goals in contributing to a sustainable and inclusive society. We help organizations to understand, communicate and transform the impact of their work. In so doing, we assist them to transition to an enhanced state of innovation and productivity together with the ability to attract strategic investment and achieve sustainability in the long term.

Vanessa Carter - @_FaceSA

Vanessa is an e-Patient Scholar at Stanford University Medicine X as well as an antibiotic resistance, one health and disability rights activist for facial disfigurement. Due to a severe car accident during 2004 in Johannesburg, she spent ten years in the medical system reconstructing damage caused to her face which resulted in an antibiotic resistant infection called MRSA. Vanessa teaches and consults in digital medical marketing services to improve access to reliable, patient-centered medical information which still presents as a problem for many patients today, and has established the first Twitter chat to discuss sustainable health development in South Africa. Vanessa is also a mother of a child with autism. Samantha Sibanda - @sam_signsofhope

Samantha Sibanda is a Human Rights Advocate with over 8 years experience. She is the Founder of Signs of Hope Trust, an organization that advocates for Inclusion of people with Disabilities in national and international development. Samantha is a board member at Deaf Women Included, Advisory Board Member at Africa Rise Foundation and Mandela Washington Fellow (2019). Her current studies are in Special Education at the Zimbabwe Open University, with the support of Wells Mountain Initiative (USA)

Alecia Samuels - @wheresalecia Alecia Samuels is a lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication at the University of Pretoria. She is particularly interested in the accessibility of digital materials and technology. Chaeli Campaign -@ChaeliCampaign The Chaeli Campaign is a social justice foundation changing society’s views on the capabilities and role of children with disabilities in South Africa and around the world.

Sinethemba Disabilities - @SinethembaDO

A nonprofit organisation aimed at bringing social awareness to disabilities in South Africa. This organisation seeks to assist and educate abled bodied individuals on how to create a more inclusive society based on the concept of the social disability model. It’s key audience are the youth as they are the leaders of tomorrow who will effect change, and messages are created to connect specifically with this audience. We Can Access - @Wecanaccess WeCanAccess is a social enterprise with a mission to enable people to access the world physically, socially and economically. Since its conception in 2018, WeCanAccess has become a UN SDG Champion, partnered with UNESCO backed project, #LearningPlanet, providing exemplar toolkits on inclusion and accessibility for their 2021 Learning Festival , and their work in providing support, information, and advocacy has recently been endorsed by the University of East London. Visit to find out more

Naledi Tikane - @SechogelaPhadim

My name is Naledi Tikane, I am a Hospitality Studies and Consumer Studies teacher at a Severe Intellectual Disability School in Ganyesa (I currently only teach Consumer Studies Food Production) . I teach learners with various intellectual such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, etc. Yumna Razak - @Yumna_Razak Yumna Razak works for the Inclusive Education Team in the Western Cape Department of Education to support learners with barriers to learning in the mainstream. Her work in the department has grown her love and passion for the role of Occupational Therapy in education which led her to start her journey of completing her Masters in Education. She completed her qualification in sensory integration to help build up her own practice. Yumna serves as the marketer on the Western Cape Branch Committee of OTASA as which allows her to use her creative and innovative side, and is a proud SAISI board member

Naomi Schauer - @ConecktOrg

Naomi Schauer has spent 20 years in the field of disability and mental health, initially as a teacher and then as a social worker. She is passionate about helping the sector to educate, support and stimulate individuals with various levels of functioning. Naomi is the founder and CEO of C.O.N.E.C.K.T, a dynamic digital networking platform that facilitates the sharing of information, donations, support and resources for non profit organisations and community-based initiatives.

Nkosi Nkantsu - @__peacebewithme

Occupational Therapist recently graduated from UKZN. He is currently work community service at Tower Psychiatric Hospital in the Eastern Cape. I am particularly interested in physical rehab - specifically neuro and burns. Nkosi has an interest in social justice, critical pedagogy, public health and practices that go beyond the hospital and rehabilitation settings. Renier Coetzee - @reniercoetzee Renier Coetzee is an associate professor at the School of Pharmacy at the University of the Western Cape. As a pharmacist he believes strongly in community engagement. Using the social accountability framework he teaches, serves and conducts research within various communities in Cape Town. He is passionate about safe medicine use and believes everyone needs to be protected at all levels of the healthcare system. Julia Wood Julia is head of the Oak House Vocational Academy for special needs learners and heads up marketing for Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs school. Julia has an Honours degree in Industrial and Organizational psychology and specialized training in supported employment for people with disabilities. She has worked in the disability field for 20 years and has a special interest in people with mental disabilities. Previously she founded an NGO for adults with mental disabilities and consulted to corporates on managing disability in the workplace. Julia also has a sister with a mental disability and is passionate about the inclusion of people with disabilities Puvasha Naidoo- @autismwarrior5 Puvasha is a mom whose son was diagnosed with autism at 3 years old. Through her son, Puvasha has first hand experience of the challenges involves in trying to find an appropriate school placement for a child with a disability. She is dedicated to promoting acceptance and awareness of the needs of individuals with disabilities throughout their lifespan, Puvasha is also an active member of Autism in Action which is an NPO that lobbies for the support of people with autism and their families.

Diff-ability - @DIffAbilityCIC

We all have different abilities, Diff-Ability Community interest Company aims to promote positivity about disability, Learning disability and Autism through creating inclusive community events, training and conferences. Inspired by our son who has Down Syndrome. Diedre Gower - @WarrioronWheels Warrior On Wheels Foundation aims to uplift and empower children with disabilities by providing special adventures tailored for special kids, thereby changing perceptions of ability and bridging gaps between able-bodied and differently-abled communities. Through consulting with adventure providers and establishments within the tourism industry we are forging partnerships that promote accessibility for all abilities. Carla Jade Williams - @CJWilliams001 Currently I am working for the Western Cape Education department as an Occupational Therapist. I work between mainstream and special schooling. My passion and interest in Education lies within creating an inclusive environment for the learner whether in mainstrean or special schools.

Thuli Zikalala- @Thuli_Zikalala

Thuli Zikalala is a qualified South African Sign Language (SASL) interpreter with an Honours degree from Wits University, one of only eleven (11) South African Translation Institute (SATI)accredited SASL interpreters in South Africa. Thuli is also a SASL podcast pioneer, being the first person in South Africa to interpret a podcast into SASL, and her company, Yellow Owl, aims to be an industry leader in widespread use of SASL across all mediums. As an entrepreneur and industry-leader. Thuli is always looking for groundbreaking opportunities to inspire people and push humanity forward.


How to participate in a Twitter Chat:

A Twitter Chat is a scheduled, organized topical conversation on Twitter centralized around a specific hashtag. Twitter Chats provide an opportunity for people, professionals and organisations around the world to share their opinions and make new connections. Anyone can participate and you do not need to be an expert, as all perspectives do matter! To take part chat you need to:

1. Create a Twitter Account

3. Log in to your account at the designated time and wait for the questions from Rehab For All South Africa. Respond to them with your answers when they come up using the relevant code (T1, T2, T3) and ending with the hashtag #RehabForAllSA.

4. To follow the chat: Click the # button on the sidebar and type #RehabForAllSA in the search bar. Continue refreshing to see new tweets. Tweet your answers as normal on your own profile starting with the relevant code ( T1, T2, T3) and ending with #RehabForAllSA so that they will appear in the feed.

5. In addition to tweeting or following, you can also reply to and retweet others. The whole idea is to learn, share ideas and make new connections!

Did you know?

You can also use Twitter Chat Tool like Tchat to follow the conversation. To do this , click on the link and type in #RehabForAllSA. This will allow you to follow and respond to the conversation more easily. However, the number of characters in your tweet will be limited from the normal Twitter limit of 280 to 125 characters. Decide what works best for you. Remember, you do not need to use the hashtag #RehabForAllSA when tweeting from this platform, as the tool will add it for you. Transcript: A transcript of the chat will be made available after the chat, supported by Symplur. Click here to view past transcripts.

Chat etiquette:

At Rehab For All South Africa, we value respectful and honest conversation, and believe in solutions-focused thinking. Feel free to share any additional interesting links during the conversation. We do not tolerate racism or hate speech. Please abide by this etiquette.



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