Project Feature: Creating opportunities for disabled people in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
An Interview with Meghan Hourqeubie of Made for More SA 1. What are you passionate about and why? I strongly believe in equal access to...
An Interview with Meghan Hourqeubie of Made for More SA 1. What are you passionate about and why? I strongly believe in equal access to...
Thuli Zikalala discusses embracing professional interpreters on digital platforms. Sign Language interpreting is important for any...
Boost your advocacy and support work through free online learning. What is a MOOC? A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an online...
Gaining support through social media. The world has changed a lot in the last 10 years, and foremost in this is the rise of technology...
An example of an innovation process for visually-impaired people. As an Ideation Design student at Inscape Education Group, one of the...
How development around disability has evolved over time. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness around disability and...
A doctors experience in a physical rehabilitation setting. When I was assigned to Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC), a physical...
A story of failed hope Lesedi* is a 7 year old little girl with a severe degree of physical disability who has been admitted in a...
The Inaugaral HPCSA Conference came at the right moment in healthcare conversation. On the 18-20 August 2019, the Health Professions...
Working in a field that is not well understood, even within healthcare, one of the questions I am frequently asked is ..Why are you...